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Misc WizardOfVegas Forum is Dying

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Gambling Forum' started by LovePotion9, Sep 5, 2015.

This is a Designated Unrestricted Area and is moderated more lightly and may therefore contain more offensive language. Reader beware.
  1. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015

    Total members: 11,274

    Total active members: 6,716

    Which mathlete figured that out? Total lie.

    There are over 2,000 members with one post or less. There are over 5000 with 10 or less. About 1500 names in red.

    That leaves about 2,700 and that's highly suspect. Definition of active?
    beachedwhale likes this.
  2. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    those are the numbers that they hand over to the advertisers.

    It will be a while before they realize the reality behind the numbers.

    based on the numbers, the advertiser will have certain expectations as far as new gamblers signed up based on the numbers they are given and the fees that they pay.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  3. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    He fudges the numbers on his pathetic Diversity Tomorrow site as well. Only 156 "active" members there. More like 40.

    The "man" himself only has 4 blogs there. Here's an interesting one.

    Wizard: "I signed up for a rappelling/canyoneering class through an outdoor group that I belonged to led by a woman that I did a hike with about five years ago". He got the following Email from her:

    Hi Mike,

    I'm letting you know that I don't want you to attend my canyoneering class. Canyoneering is a team effort and not all personalities mesh well. I'm uncomfortable having you on out team".

    He later found out from someone that his "banter" creeped her out. Ya think? Juiciejennie, the models, the crackheads and now this.

    Like the popular members that he has driven from his board, this woman took a stand and said no more. This woman, unlike the crackheads and models, was his equal. Unlike the others who have to put up with lecherous posing and unwanted touching, this woman sent him packing. He's not used to women that can stand up to him.

    Why doesn't he ever mention his wife on these trips? He always seems to meet these women wherever he goes. Wife is never around. Read his trip report from Panama. All he talks about are the young women/hookers he met. Nothing about casinos. Macau. Everywhere he goes. He wrote that he once paid one of these women to be his tour guide.

    In another blog, he tells of a woman who found him so distasteful that she unfriended him on facebook.

    How many more out there ? Can't imagine. Where's Gloria Allred?
    beachedwhale likes this.
  4. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    As i have said all along. Damaged, and poor interpersonal skills. And this guy is in charge of interpersonal issues on a message board.
    This is the guy Zuga hired for a customer service portion of his business. WOW.

    You are right. He couldnt treat this woman or other women in the class like a piece of meat, like an object to pose with. Obviously there were things he said and did that made others uncomfortable. In this case instead of driving away people, it was easier to make him leave. Better for business.
    I guess with each rejection like this he receives, puts him in a "bad mood"....and we all know he says he does when he is in a "bad mood"....he relieves his angst with suspensions. He said so himself. And this is supposedly a guy qualified to interact with customers in zugas business.
    Zuga still doesnt know what would be "better for business" in his world. Let the mathboy post his picture as a figurehead and give him no power or authority to comment on the board on anything other than math.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  5. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    More censorship at WOV.

    Ever the gentleman, Alan Mendelson has moved on after being vilified by Wizard and company. Those losers are too stupid to move on and keep getting in their cheap shots at this man. A man who did nothing to them.

    Dicesitter started a thread yesterday entitled "Good Job". He was conveying his disappointment at the good posters leaving the site. The usual suspects, the same losers started in on him. Some tried to bait him, goad him into saying something to get himself suspended. That's how they operate right, RS?

    When they couldn't succeed, that arrogant, smug, self aggrandizing hag.....Beached Whale closed the thread. Can't bait him? Can't rattle him? Just close the thread. Shameless censorship.

    Hang in there, dicesitter. Unlike RS, you're nobody's little bitch.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  6. mr j

    mr j Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    self employed
    Milwaukee, WIS
    The solution for most of this is to....clean house. All mods fired, pick a few others, relax with the bannings and start fresh. Just my two cents. Its like when you have a TERRIBLE football team. Season is over, not only the coach is gone but all assistants....CLEAN HOUSE!!

    beachedwhale likes this.
  7. LovePotion9

    LovePotion9 Member

    Sep 2, 2015
    can you imagine someone in the walton family kicking a customer out of walmart because they're having a "bad day"?
    or someone in the ray kroc family kicking someone out of mcdonalds because they're having a "bad day"?
    or someone in the jobs family kicking someone out of an apple store because they're having a "bad day"?
    you get the idea...................................................

    it shows real mental illness when someone bullies others just because they're having a "bad day".
    it's clear that the manboy was one of those MATHLETES in high school who got beat up on a daily basis
    now that he has an internet forum to bully people he must feel he's "getting even" in some way
    sick, sick ,sick................these people are truely sick

    my favorite post is from sodawater who said this about the beached whale:

    "It is a joke that someone as irrational and emotional as BBB is a "moderator" of anything but her cats' feeding schedule."

    LOL!!! so true!!
    beachedwhale likes this.

  8. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    As I live and breathe. MrV getting knocked down a peg or two by the beached whale. And husband of the year/flophouse clerk jumping in for good measure. Guess clerk extraordinaire got all the rooms cleaned and has nothing to do. Not a great day for MrV.

    MrV and his peanut gallery have kept the insults against another forum member coming non stop. They just can't stand the fact that someone would leave that precious board with their dignity intact. Have they achieved their goal? Well, if the goal was to make the Wizard look like a bigger jerk off than he already is.....then mission accomplished. Is it even possible to make him look worse?

    Manboy must have told his mods to do something. Damage control. Too little too late. The damage is done and the entire world can see for themselves. Even a casual observer can see just how ridiculous that board is.

    Let's see how far they go. Suspensions for a few are more than warranted by the forum rules. Don't worry MrV, manboy has your back. After all, you've insulted him with impunity and then met him at his Vegas circle jerk like nothing happened.

    Go ahead and tell beached whale and husband of the year just where to shove it. Don't hold back. Remember, the manboy has your back. Play your cards right and maybe he'll buy you a shiny new model to pose with.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  9. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Mensa member AxelWolf didn't like a thread started by a new member. Does he ignore it like a normal well adjusted person would? Not our boy. He asked for it to be closed and accused the guy of trolling.

    What's the matter Axel? You and your "team" couldn't find any left over credits in the slot machines today?
    beachedwhale likes this.
  10. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    So beached whale says that V caused the loss of a member.

    A member that is not vulgar, has not been accused of being a troll, a member that follows the rules and engages in conversation.

    you would think someone with business sense would be upset. You would think the troublemaker would be banned.

    But alas the troublemaker who caused the loss of a member, and has also gone to another site and called the wizard a jackal and labeled an action of his as being "unmanly.......is the recipient of the "bias" that BB1 has pointed out (and was banned for doing so)

    V has in a blanket manner called people of wov..."munchkins" and "koolaide drinkers".....yet he has complimented the mods enough over the years to get the bias treatment.

    what business allows the loss of customers like wov does?

    answer....an establishment with a failing business model. An establishment that puts people in a position of authority that have no care whether the business grows or fails.....they are working for free...what the heck do they care. The leader that they used to follow doesnt even own the business anymore so they even have less allegiance to the business. All they can concentrate on is enjoying their power without consequence.
    Whats the worse that can happen if they keep on doing what they do.....the business goes under and they lose a non paying job.

    Who the hell alllows THAT type of business model. A model where the people in charge of customer service has no incentive to provide a modicum of good customer service. They work for free and have no real allegiance to the faceless corporation

    so no wonder the visits of members have decreased....no wonder well thought of members are leaving.

    no one ever accused zuga of being a great business person.......so the bar is low in that regard.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  11. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    There is an old saying from my neighborhood in NJ:
    If you give your car to a 14 year old boy with Downs syndrome and ask him to drive through the Lincoln Tunnel ...and he gets in an accident.....who do you blame?,,,,,THE BOY OR THE GUY THAT GAVE HIM THE KEYS.???

    Someone gave the keys to Zuga, .....first mistake.
    And he in turn gave the keys to a mentally damage, socially backward person who has claimed to suspend people to soothe his psyche when he is in a "bad mood"
    along with free labor possessing horrid judgement issues, horrid interpersonal skills, and horrid customers service skills.

    who give the keys of a business over to folks with horrid judgement,interpersonal skills, and customer service skills???

    I guess the owners of that site do.

    they follow the path of the original owner.

    when the most popular thread on a site is hundreds of pages of people complaining about the actions of the people in charge, or crying like a baby about other posters......there are problems that need to be addressed.

    Look at this site......there is nothing like that here...I guess someone must be doing something right.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  12. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    4600 views!!!!! you know what that means.

    there is alot of truth in this thread. If it was garbage,people would ignore it.

    It also means alot of people other than the posters are coming here and finding the content interesting.

    Imagine having a business/website, where regular customers are leaving either willingly or forceably, and having another site benefit from your neglect. Having another site benefit from the decision to ignore customer service. Having another site benefit from poorly equipped people in charge. Imagine that.
    And imagine seeing that happen on your watch, while you do nothing to rectify the situation.

    4600 views......WOW
    beachedwhale likes this.
  13. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Dicesitter just got 3 days for absolutely nothing. Not even close to an insult.

    Way to go beached whale. You must be so proud of yourself sitting in your shack in Florida judging everyone. Guess you won't need that "power tool " that you keep in the nightstand drawer. It needs a break anyway. Suspending someone is so much better. Have a gallon of ice cream to celebrate.

    The real offenders are still at it insulting at will. You don't have the guts to suspend any of them. Then you'd have to face them at the next Wizard circle jerk.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  14. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    This is how it works. Disagree with the math geeks.....don't call them mathletes. Get insulted by them and their worshipers. Get suspended by that creature behind it's keyboard. Rinse. Repeat.

    It has nothing to do with insults or rules violations. Sick, sick people.
    beachedwhale likes this.

  15. IDPA

    IDPA Active Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    No, what it most probably means is that this is similar to watching a train wreck. Most people HAVE avoided it as confirmed by the number of active posters (all 3 of you) who continue on with it!

    This isn't a discussion on whatever WOV is, this is an unhealthy obsession with a stupid gambling forum.

    But reading the endless diatribe about it does provide some distraction at the end of the day so carry on.

    Please don't reply that I should just avoid reading the thread. I like seeing the same message posted over and over every night. :eek:

    beachedwhale likes this.
  16. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    Interest in "a train wreck" might go on for minutes or hours max

    Interest in this thread is going on for months...people actually make an effort to come here and view over and over

    The handful of commentators discussing "a train wreck" might get interest for a day or 2.

    The commentators here are getting interest for months.

    The people who are not interested, or find the commentators views to be void of truth have the ability to avoid this thread.

    For the people that find the comments to be on target...it seems we have a following.

    Out of the 4600 views, people have the ability to present a cogent view contrary to majority view.

    So far out of the 4600 views we get a couple folks that have contrary opinions but are at a loss to present a cogent argument otherwise
    beachedwhale likes this.
  17. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015

    you are right,

    Keep in mind, Beached Whale pointed out that Mr V insulted Alan M at least twice by calling him Schizophrenic. He used the word not as a medical practitioner making a diagnosis, but as a lay person calling someone "mentally ill". On top of that he had a poll taken down which was viewed as improper. Because of this according to Beached Whale Alan M left the site. They lost a member in good standing.
    And MrV is still standing,
    No suspension
    Did Dicesetter or mostly anyone else do anything more egregious than MrV????You know call someone mentally ill twice to the point where the person leaves.
    Did dicesetter go on another site and use the word jackal and unmanly attached to the manboy wiz, or call the inhabitants of wov...munchkins or koolaide drinkers?

    these are the people zuga gave the keys to. People with an obvious agenda to punish only some. To unequally dole out suspensions and nukes.
    socially backward people who dont have a clue about the topic of right or wrong.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  18. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    IDPA. What's that some kind of intestinal disorder? Actually I know quite well what it is.

    Your displeasure with this thread is duly noted as are your 6 posts here. You have used terms like "train wreck", "lame thread", "endless diatribe" "inane thread" and "unhealthy obsession". We get it.

    You are certainly welcome to post anywhere you please. That's the great thing about this board. You can actually state your opinion, disagree with others and have no fear of repercussion.

    If you are that bothered, feel free to post in one of the forums that interests you. Start a thread about IDPA or Harleys or anything you please.

    I promise I won't call it lame if I don't like it. Rather than make disparaging remarks I'll just ignore it. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean that it's not important to someone.

    Don't fall for the Wizard mentality.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  19. LarryS

    LarryS Compulsive Liar Compulsive Liar

    May 8, 2015
    Notice there is not alot of cogent disagreement on specific points that are made by me or others. Alot of general complaining.

    alot of labeling, and general displeasure by a couple of people...but no meat. No examples of where I or others are wrong.

    Thats the mentality of wov, just complain and if you are on the right side of the issue(as per the mods), you can get someone suspended or banned.

    That doesnt work here...and thats the frustration for IDPA and the like.
    beachedwhale likes this.
  20. freddy

    freddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    More discord in Zuga's fragile house of cards. From where you'd least expect it.

    EvenBob and RonC are speaking out against the treatment of Alan M. They are not happy. How bad is it when these two suck ups decide to go against the tide?

    EB: "Shame on some of you people". RonC: "Internet bullying is so much fun

    They're talking to you wizardofnothing, MrV, AxelWolf, RS, OnceDear etc. I count no less than 10 despicable human beings that, egged on by a couple of mathletes, just won't stop insulting a member in good standing. A member who is supposed to be afforded the same insult protection as everyone else. Why won't beached whale close that thread? Oh yeah, she trusts the math.

    Wizardofnothing. Beyond useless. His only reason for being is to get others suspended. This guy actually posted a picture of a new car that he claims he bought. Look at me. I got a new car. Brings being needy to a new low. What are the payments $700 a month for 7 years? Or did you just take a photo of a car in a parking lot? Kind of like all those winning slot photos that the "slot pros" keep posting.

    RS. Casino dealer. Not that there's anything wrong with it. Keep begging for those tips, RS. Maybe you can borrow the manboy's tin cup. You want a tip? Don't miss any spots the next time you wash the beached whale's car. A little more detail on the driver's seat. The new car smell is gone. :-(

    You guys be careful. EB is a master at getting people suspended. You don't want to be in his sights.
    beachedwhale likes this.

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